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Migration Guide from v5 to v6

General migration changes

Version 6 of sda-dropwizard-commons now builds with Java 17 + 21. Support for Java 11 was dropped.

Dropwizard 4

One of the major changes was the update from Dropwizard 2 to 4. Dropwizard 4 is no longer based on the Java EE (and the javax.* packages) but on Jakarta EE and the jakarta.* packages. Please read the full release notes in the official Dropwizard repository.

Below we list the most important changes:

Dropwizard Package Structure and JPMS

In order to properly support the Java Platform Module System (JPMS), the Java packages in modules must not overlap, or put differently, the packages may not be split into multiple modules.

Affected packages:

Maven module Old package New package
dropwizard-core io.dropwizard io.dropwizard.core
dropwizard-logging io.dropwizard.logging io.dropwizard.logging.common
dropwizard-metrics io.dropwizard.metrics io.dropwizard.metrics.common
dropwizard-views io.dropwizard.views io.dropwizard.views.common

Jakarta package namespace

The previous package namespace for Java EE, javax.* was replaced by jakarta namespace, so it was necessary to replace all the imports starting with import javax. to import jakarta. and dependencies. Here is the list with the modified dependencies:

  • javax.xml.bind:jaxb-api -> jakarta.xml.bind:jakarta.xml.bind-api
  • javax.annotation:javax.annotation-api -> jakarta.annotation:jakarta.annotation-api
  • javax.transaction:javax.transaction-api -> jakarta.transaction:jakarta.transaction-api
  • io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-annotations -> io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-annotations-jakarta
  • io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-jaxrs2 -> io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-jaxrs2-jakarta
  • io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-annotations -> io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-annotations-jakarta
  • io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-core -> io.swagger.core.v3:swagger-core-jakarta

You can find more details about this change on Upgrade Notes for Dropwizard 4.0.x.

Apache Http Client

The Apache version was upgraded from v4 to v5. The imports were changed from org.apache.http to org.apache.hc.core5 and org.apache.hc.client5. You can check the full migration guide in the official documentation: Migration from Apache HttpClient 4.x APIs

Closing Responses

The Apache 5 connector seems to be more sensitive and might get stuck if you don't close your Response objects. Make sure to use try-with-resources or finally when you use Jersey clients (either in tests or in production!).


try (Response response = DW.client()
    .target("http://localhost:" + DW.getLocalPort())
    .get()) {

Jetty 11

Dropwizard v4 upgraded to Jetty 11.0.x. The main changes were regarding supporting jakarta.servlet namespace and a complete WebSocket refactoring, those using the Jetty APIs or embedded-jetty will need to update their code. You can read more information in the release notes and in the official migration guide.

Hibernate 6

The Hibernate library was upgraded to 6.1. Both of them provide compatible implementations for Jakarta Persistence 3.0. You can check the migration guide to v6.0 and to v6.1.


The following modules contain changes:

  1. sda-commons-server-testing
  2. sda-commons-server-spring-data-mongo
  3. sda-commons-server-mongo-testing
  4. sda-commons-client-jersey-wiremock-testing
  5. sda-commons-server-circuitbreaker
  6. sda-commons-shared-asyncapi
  7. sda-commons-server-kafka
  8. sda-commons-server-s3
  9. sda-commons-server-s3-testing
  10. sda-commons-server-prometheus

1 sda-commons-server-testing

Removed Support for JUnit 4.x You must use all JUnit 5 extensions, classes, annotations, and libraries and migrate all your JUnit 4 tests to JUnit 5.

2 sda-commons-server-spring-data-mongo

The deprecated legacy configuration support for individual properties like hosts or database was removed. The database connection must be configured with connectionString.

3 sda-commons-server-mongo-testing

Removed custom proxy configuration for MongoDB executable download. OS proxy settings should be configured instead.

Removed getters from the MongoDb interface which affects the MongoDbClassExtension. You can retrieve information about the database, username or password from the ConnectionString that is provided by MongoDbClassExtension#getMongoConnectionString().


The class io.drowizard.helpers.fixtures.FixtureHelpers is not available in Dropwizard v4. So you must read the file using other approaches, e.g. using Wiremock response body or using an ObjectMapper.

4 sda-commons-client-jersey-wiremock-testing

Dropwizard v4 uses wiremock v3.x version. Were introduced some breaking changes, like dropping support for Java 8, upgrading from Jetty 9 to Jetty 11 and changing the repository groupID to org.wiremock for all artifacts : wiremock, wiremock-standalone, wiremock-webhooks-extension. Module sda-commons-client-jersey-wiremock-testing was renamed to sda-commons-shared-wiremock-testing. SDA specific Wiremock test extensions were removed and replaced with Wiremock internal extensions. You will find example tests in WireMockExampleTest.

You can see all the release notes and breaking changes in the official repository.

5 sda-commons-server-circuitbreaker

Resilience4j-Circuitbreaker was updated from 1.7.x to 2.1. Please check their release notes for details.

The class org.sdase.commons.server.circuitbreaker.metrics.SdaCircuitBreakerMetricsCollector was removed. We now collect metrics using Micrometer.

The metric named resilience4j_circuitbreaker_calls_bucket is not exposed anymore. Please use Micrometer's metric resilience4j_circuitbreaker_calls_count instead.

6 sda-commons-shared-asyncapi

Json Schemas for AsyncAPI are generated with Victools' Json Schema Generator now. The previously used library is barely maintained in the past years.

The old library provided their own annotations. Now, annotations of Jackson (e.g. @JsonSchemaDescription), Swagger (e.g. @Schema) and Jakarta Validation (e.g. NotNull) can be used. Note that not all attributes of all annotations are covered and multiple examples are not possible anymore. Only one example can be defined with @Schema(example = "value").

How the Java classes for schema definitions in the AsyncAPI are defined has changed. Previously, classes to integrate were defined in the code (.withSchema("./schema.json", BaseEvent.class)) and referenced in the AsyncAPI template ($ref: './schema.json#/definitions/CarManufactured'). Now the classes are referenced directly in the template ($ref: 'class://com.example.BaseEvent). The builder method withSchema does not exist anymore.

Please review the differences in the generated AsyncAPI file. Both libraries work different and have a different feature set. The new generator may have some limitations but a great API for extensions. Please file an issue if something important can't be expressed.

7 sda-commons-server-kafka

The public init method

MessageListenerStrategy#init(ConsumerTopicMessageHistogram consumerTopicMessageHistogram, Set<String> metadataFields)

was removed. Internal metrics are collected automatically. Please use

MessageListenerStrategy#init(Set<String> metadataFields)

8 sda-commons-server-s3

The AWS SDK was upgraded from 1.12.x to The new version is not compatible with the old one. You can find the official documentation for the migration

This can also be explained by the Jakarta update because the old AWS SDK still used the Apache HTTP Client v4, which is not compatible with Jakarta. The old AWS SDK did not have the option to pick a different HTTP client.

Most noticeably, the base package of the classes moved from com.amazonaws to The S3Bundle will not return an instance of instead of

Moreover, the bundle now supports using the AWS default credentials provider chain to retrieve credentials if you don't provide them in the S3Configuration. You can now also pass credentials via environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY or via system properties aws.accessKeyId and aws.secretAccessKey.

9 sda-commons-server-s3-testing

Our previous S3 mock library s3mock was also based on the old AWS SDK v1.12.x and is no longer maintained. We switched to Robothy local-s3 as alternative. You can still use our S3ClassExtension to start the S3 mock server in your tests. But it will now give you an instance of for the S3 client. Additionally, you need to annotate your S3 tests with @LocalS3 due to an implementation detail of the underlying test library.

10 sda-commons-server-prometheus

The endpoint /healthcheck/prometheus was removed. Health checks metrics are available using endpoint /metrics/prometheus.

SDA specific metric http_request_duration_seconds was removed, please use http_server_requests_seconds instead.

11 sda-commons-server-opentelemetry

Important: The Java classes in the io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.apachehttpclient.v5_2 package are provided as a temporary solution to support Apache Http Client version 5.2. However, these classes will only be available until the official Open Telemetry instrumentation team releases a version fully compatible with Apache Http Client 5.2.

Future Updates: Once the official Open Telemetry instrumentation team releases a version fully compatible with Apache Http Client 5.2, we will release a new version. This new release will seamlessly replace the temporary package with the official library, ensuring continued compatibility and access to the latest features.


The following bash script can help you to quickly migrate your project to sda-dropwizard-commons 6. Copy the content to a file in the root of your project and execute it.

chmod u+x


echo "Migrating Java files"
for file in `find . -type f -name "*.java"`
  echo "Processing $file"
  sed -i '' -e 's/javax.validation/jakarta.validation/g' $file
  sed -i '' -e 's/' $file
  sed -i '' -e 's/javax.annotation/jakarta.annotation/g' $file
  sed -i '' -e 's/io.dropwizard.Application/io.dropwizard.core.Application/g' $file
  sed -i '' -e 's/io.dropwizard.Configuration/io.dropwizard.core.Configuration/g' $file
  sed -i '' -e 's/io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap/io.dropwizard.core.setup.Bootstrap/g' $file
  sed -i '' -e 's/io.dropwizard.setup.Environment/io.dropwizard.core.setup.Environment/g' $file
  sed -i '' -e 's/' $file
  sed -i '' -e 's/AmazonS3/S3Client/g' $file
  sed -i '' -e 's/org.apache.http.HttpStatus/org.apache.hc.core5.http.HttpStatus/g' $file

  # test files only
  if [[ $file =~ .*src\/test.* ]]; then
      sed -i '' -e 's/org.sdase.commons.client.jersey.wiremock.testing.WireMockClassExtension/com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.junit5.WireMockExtension/g' $file
      sed -i '' -e 's/new WireMockClassExtension(wireMockConfig().dynamicPort());/new WireMockExtension().builder().build()/g' $file
      sed -i '' -e 's/WireMockClassExtension;/WireMockExtension/g' $file

echo "Migrating Gradle files"
for file in `find . -type f -name "build.gradle"`
  echo "Processing $file"
  sed -i '' -e 's/org.sdase.commons:sda-commons-client-jersey-wiremock-testing/org.sdase.commons:sda-commons-shared-wiremock-testing/g' $file